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Sponsored Training

All companies can benefit for receiving Sponsored Trainings, of a Formative Annual Credit  for their employees in payroll, which results from the percentage of bonus that is established in the Annual Law of National Accounts Budgets according to the size of the company.

In Comunicando we take on the role of a valid intermediary, with “Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo” (FTFE).

Among the functions that we carry out in order to benefit for the Sponsored Trainings, it’s worth mentioning that:

  • We inform you of the credit of  Continous Professional Training of which the company have.
  • We inform to FTFE of the beginning of every course (we register the courses).
  • We generate all the documentation needed for sponsoring the formative action.
  • We present technical reports for each celebrated action.
  • Elaboramos y presentamos los certificados de asistencia al curso.
  • We create the attendance sheets and all the documentation needed for the courses’ management.
  • We offer technical advise to surpass successfully FTFE’S possible inspections.
  • We communicate to FTFE the end of the actions training.
  • We give technical support for the possible appeals faced with INEM, FTFE, or Social Security.

We carry out a control of the frail and available credit. Also, we guide you in order to comply with the joint financing required and the percentage of the preferential groups that law dicates.
All companies that have among one and five available employees, have a minimum credit of annual 420 Euros.
If this credit is not invested  on training during the year, this credit can’t be used the following one, since it’s not accumulative.